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In today’s world, almost everyone is opting for running their businesses to generate more income and live a lifestyle of their dreams. According to the latest report, about 69% of U.S. population begins running a business from home and become entrepreneurs. It’s a very big figure and identifies how much people are interested in having their startups. However, they cannot succeed if they do not have the right kind of marketing whether if it’s a small business or a whole corporation, everyone needs marketing for gaining customers and generating revenue.

In marketing, you would need appealing ads to grab customers attention, write a compelling ad copy and make a solid call to action technique so that your business can sky rocket, giving you direct sales.

Tips for Designing Visually Appealing Ads

To let your ads be compelling, you would need;

  • Your product and Company’s SWOT Analysis: Determine strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of your product and company so that you get a clear cut info regarding needs and wants of a customer to make an appealing ad.
  • Objectives: Ask yourself what are your objectives? How do you want customers to recognize your product? In what way do you want your customers to understand your message regarding the product? Once your questions gain answers, go for the next step.
  • Identify your target Audience: You must identify which audience you are selling your product or services to. Who are more interested in your products or services? What is their age group? What is their income level? Which demographical group needs to be targeted? What are their interests? What is their requirement, their demands? Etc.
  • Identify your channel: Identify which channel you need to market. If your audience uses social media, you would need appealing banners, flyers, and small video ads. If they use TV, magazine or read newspapers, you would need long video ads, posters, magazine and newspaper ads etc.
  • Keep the ad short and simple: The more complex your ad is, the more difficult will it be to understand. Just simply convey your message so that more customers can understand what you are entitling.

Tips for Writing Compelling Ad Copy

To write a compelling ad copy, you would need to do the following;

  • Gain Their Trust In Solving Their Problem: One of the core reason why people click on ads is because they believe the message provided to them promises to solve their problem. Understand what customer wants and promise them you can give it to them.
  • Add emotional Triggers: Most people do not think of a logic on why to purchase a product or avail their services. Instead, they get emotionally attached by finding it can give them what they need so add emotional triggers.
  • Focus on Benefits: Features bore people, they are attracted by the product’s benefits more so do let them know what you are offering them and how will it benefit them so that they gain attention.

Tips for writing Strong Calls-To-Action

To write strong call to action, you’ll need to do the following;

  • Use Direct Approach: Add in statements such as “Buy Now” or “Contact Now” which will make customers want to get the product immediately if you are running an ecommerce store. If you are promoting something like a newsletter or whitepaper add “Subscribe Now” or “Download.” If you want other to know more about you then add “Find out more” or “Find out how” etc.
  • Provoke: If you want your customers to immediately attract towards buying your product, then provoke their emotions or enthusiasm for example, add “Order now and get 50% now” or “plan your dream vacation now” etc.
  • Be unique: Add a unique selling point (USP) to your product. Give customers a reason on why they should buy your product or avail your services. For example “buy now and get a free copy on your astrology” here you not just gave them a direct call (buy now), but also gave them the reason why? (Get a free copy on your astrology).

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