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New Era of DOOH With AI

Digital Out of Home (DOOH) is growing day by day. Artificial Intelligence making Digital Signage more smarter and provides better ROI to advertisers.

Are you still using a USB drive to loop your content?

Adjaba uses AI to serve right content to right Audience

A conventional digital signage software either loop through content or schedule content for specific date and time. It doesn’t have ability to select content based on audience and server right content to right audience. In conventional way it keep displaying content that was scheduled through content management system irrespective of audience in-front of digital signage. 

Have you seen a a digital signage displaying ad in the late night even when there is no audience and charge advertiser for such ad?

Are you paying for non performing ad? 

How do you measure how your campaign is performing? Are you paying flat or paying high for ad campaign that deliver values and don’t pay for non performing ad?

How AI can help DOOH advertising?

As an advertiser you have every right to understand how the money is spent? If the campaign is delivering value and if your ad campaign is displaying to right audience. Advertising agency can show you some analytics data but who validate if that data is correct? 

Artificial Intelligent (AI) transforming several industries. AI in combination with big data analytics can transform DOOH advertising industry. 

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+44 77744 92426

Bristol, United Kingdom


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