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Build Your Advertising network

Digital Signage 

Join multi-billion advertising industry with Massive income opportunity. Place digital signage board in high-street shops, malls. Build your digital advertising network with little time and effort. You can manage it from your smart phone.

Artificial Intelligence

Are you displaying right content to right audience? Reach out to target audience though Adjaba smart audience targeting. 

Adjaba Digital Signage Advertising

Brand Design & Strategy

If you are advertiser and not sure how to make an engaging campaign. we can help with design and placement

Smart Customer Engagement

Out artificial intelligent (AI) based ad player displays your campaign to right customer.

Audience Analytics

We leverage latest technology for audience measurement and ad analytics. Money well spent with right placement and ROI.

Increased Revenue

Advertiser increases review through 5X consumer engagement and publisher through per impression pricing

Smart Content Upload

You can place your content to a screen in just few click from your mobile app. You can also manage them from app.

Pay Per Impression

You don’t need to rent your advertising space on weekly or monthly rental instead you can charge per impression price.

Old TV as Digital Screen

You can convert any old TV or a smart TV with into Smart Digital Signage. Increase sales or make money from ad impression.

Smart Notification

Adjaba Signage Platform would notify all important events like an advertiser send ad request, impression played, offline etc.

Outsmart competitors with in-store digital displays

Self-market through product video, info graphics. Increase Sales, Monetize store footfall through Ads. Approx. 19% of customers have made unplanned purchases after seeing an item on digital display. Source: Arbitron (2010). Digital Signage can create 31.8% upswing in overall sales volume.

TV Signage.

If you want to use a budget TV as digital display in your store, Adjaba can help converting your TV into Digital Display.


Manage screens from your Smartphone

  • Connect your displays to Adjaba network using Wifi
  • Track capmpaign impressions
  • Smart scheduler using AI
  • Search screen by location and manage content displays from Smartphone
  • Smart Analytics to fine tune campaign

Let’s Get Started

Ready To Build Your Own Digital Signage Advertising Network? 

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